- «influencing by physical virtues or capabilities, effective with respect to inherent natural qualities,” from Medieval Latin virtualis, from Latin virtus “excellence, potency, efficacy,” literally “manliness, manhood» Virtual Reality
- “Registered” through marker Recognition of objects by comparing their shape to a catalog of 3-D models. GPS “unregistered” Time-of-flight cameras and/ or software solutions such as ARKit and ARCore Augmented Reality Augmented Reality
- 6. Virtual Reality VR will bring your audiences to a completely new level of consciousness AND explode their minds along the way! Click me Click me Click me
- Pokémon Go (2016) $600M Revenue in first 3 months 100M App Downloads within first month $1,2B Revenue in total 5M Daily Active Users in April 2017 8.7B Kilometers walked by users in four months 780M Downloads
- 1838 Stereovision
- 1956 Morton Heilig (Sensorama)
- 1968 Ivan Sutherland (HMD)
- 1987 Atari Research (Data Glove)
- 1995-2013 HMD-Race