Refuse to Choose!: Use All of Your Interests, Passions, and Hobbies to Create the Life and Career of Your Dreams

Intense curiosity about numerous unrelated subjects is one of the most basic characteristics of a Scanner.
To Scanners the world is like a big candy store full of fascinating opportunities, and all they want is to reach out and stuff their pockets. It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? The problem is, Scanners are starving in the candy store.
“You can do anything. Just choose one of your talents and get started.” That was also the worst advice.
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„By contrast, Scanners rarely think what other people are doing is empty. They’re always curious to know “what’s out there” and love to poke their noses into just about anything. A Diver rarely spends a moment wondering what he might be missing when he’s totally absorbed in his field. On the other hand, 99 percent of Scanners spend a lot of time scanning the horizon, thinking about their next move.“
The world of work is changing, and there’s never been a better time to bring the multitalented Scanner into the workforce.
But the main reason Scanners are different from others, and the reason they get noticed for not sticking to anything, is because they learn faster than almost anybody.
am·a·teur n: from Latin: one who loves 1. Somebody who does something for pleasure rather than for pay 2. Somebody who has only limited skill in, or knowledge of, an activity 3. Somebody who loves or is greatly interested in something 4. Somebody who appreciates and wants to understand so many things that she can’t possibly specialize in only one field; i.e., a Scanner
The commitmentphobe’s list of mistaken assumptions 1. You must choose one and only one path in life. 2. Everything you love has to be a career. Doing something for pleasure doesn’t count. 3. If you’re not in love with your job, it will be a living hell.
The Scanner’s best hope: a smart boss If you don’t have a smart boss, maybe you should go out and find one. If you’re starting to see the outline of what you might like to do, the next step is simply to package yourself, do some networking wherever it’s possible, and offer your services to someone. Every smart boss wants to hire and hang on to talented people. If you’re around someone who doesn’t care, you’re in the wrong place. Daniel Pink, author of Free Agent Nation, has noticed a new phenomenon he calls the Peter-Out Principle, which “decrees that when the fun peters out, the talented walk out.” So don’t get stuck in your parents’ view of employment. The times are definitely changing. I hope the words “What will I do for the rest of my life?” will soon fade from your memory. Here’s a suggestion: Whenever you’re thinking about making any big career decisions, remember the LTTL System and change the word “commit” to the words “try out” or “audition” a career. However, there is one commitment you should make right up front: Commit yourself to give everything you’ve got to whatever you do, no matter how little time you have to do it.
Many of us are simply too busy to find a moment for our dreams. When you have too much to do, finding time to get involved in things you love isn’t an option. Even when you do have time, you can’t remember how to use it for yourself. Add kids to the equation and you’ve got a life with no free time at all. That’s reality. Or is it?
Getting into action is a very big deal
Start small. Start now. Start everything. And don’t bother to
Start small. Start now. Start everything. And don’t bother to finish any of it.
- First, select your project and decide on your goal
- Second, schedule a date for a Real Deadline
- Fourth, attend your Real Deadline/Grand Finale event
- Fifth, bask in your own glory